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  • The long road to adoption

    Posted in Advice on Jul 08, 2019

    The long road to adoption Experience has shown that for many childless couples, adopting a child from abroad can be a costly and time consuming business. In Belgium, prospective parents will have to follow at least four steps.

  • New address

    Posted in Announcements on Mar 04, 2019

    Please note our latest address change. Our offices are no longer located at Lange Herentalsestraat, but have since moved to a new location at Jacob Jordaensstraat 112 at 2018 Antwerpen.

  • Creating a company as a foreigner

    Posted in Advice on Jan 09, 2018

    Relating to a commonly raised question: You may be glad to know that whether you are foreigner living here without a residence permit or not even residing here at all, you can still create a Belgian limited company- sprl /bvba, in another legal form.

  • Untying Church’s Marriage

    Posted in Advice on Dec 13, 2017

    Church weddings are common in Belgium. Remarrying in church after divorce, on the other hand, is not so straightforward. Whereas civil divorce has become increasingly easy over the years, divorce under Canon law remains extremely difficult and is rare. For most people, getting divorced in accordance with civil law is more relevant, as it effects their everyday life; those who go to the Church’s court after their civil divorce do so mainly for religious reasons- for example, if they want to marry a new partner in church....

  • Registration of cars in Belgium

    Posted in Advice on Nov 14, 2017

    The following questions have been addressed to me recently. We give a short answer, not necessary a complete one for practical reasons

    Has someone with legal residence in Belgium the right to drive permanently a car which is registered abroad whether in her or his country of origin or in a country where they charge a lower circulation tax?

    No, except for a short period (generally not more that 6 months and in specific circumstances…), that is occasional and exceptional circulation for vacation, conference, etc. For more information, call the DIV (Tel 02-2864545; Fax 02-2874327).

    What can ...

  • HIV-Tests and Labour Contracts

    Posted in Advice on Oct 17, 2017

    A number of questions have been submitted to me recently concerning what an employer can do to know about the health situation of his / her employees.

    A leading case was decided on this in 1998 about HIV-infection; it gives also an idea on how other kinds of infection would be dealt with.

    In January 1998, a well noticed judgement by a Labour Court introduced the debate on HIV-Tests in Belgian Labour Law. Some time before, Mr X, a physician, had been hired by a public centre for social aid (“CPAS”) to operate in its hospital. He was submitted to a medical check even though this was not one of t...

  • Authorisation to legal stay

    Posted in Advice, Conferences on Sep 14, 2017

    Tens of thousands of foreigners live illegally in Belgium. The reasons why many are not expelled are manifold, but may include the fact that their country origin is at war or because their children have Belgian citizenship.

  • Suing professionals

    Posted in Advice on Aug 13, 2017

    There are fewer medical liability court cases in Belgium than in most Western Anglo-Saxon countries, where suing professionals has become common practice. However, with the influence of US and English law and practice, Belgian litigation in the sector has seen a dramatic development in recent years, leading to a wealth of related case law.