Advice and procedure with work and residence, lease contracts, purchasing houses, creating companies and other legal issues specifically to expats
We give advise on ways and procedure in obtaining residence permits, work permits, professional cards for foreigners, lease contracts, purchasing houses, creating companies, and other legal issues relating specifically to expatriates.
Foreign workers who wish to work in Belgium as employees (i.e. working under an employment contract) must hold a work permit. This does not apply to nationals of the Member States of the European Economic Area or Swiss nationals.
People applying for work permits must do so using the forms available from the regional employment agencies.
Special rules apply to the new Member States of the European Union.
For a certain transitional period, free movement of workers from these countries is subject to some restrictions.
However, there are more flexible provisions for workers planning to exercise a profession for which there is a shortage of qualified staff; there are lists which are available for such professions for Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels (separately for each regional agency).